2nd - 6th Grade
Carroll Academy participates in an Accelerated Reader program for grades 1st – 6th. The students in grades 2nd – 6th take the STAR Test during August. The 1st grade takes the STAR Test in December. The STAR Test is a computer-based reading assessment that uses computer-adaptive technology. Computer-adaptive means the test continually adjusts the difficulty of each child’s test by choosing each test question based on the child’s previous response. If the student answers a question correctly, the difficulty level of the next item is increased. If the child misses a question, the difficulty level is decreased.
After completing the STAR Test, the student receives a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) range. This range indicates the book level the student will read until the next STAR Test. Students are tested in August, December, and April. Students must read books within their ZPD range.
The students take AR quizzes in the elementary library or the classroom. AR books can be checked out in the elementary library. Please remember to return books on time. The library book must be returned in order to take an AR test. The Carroll Academy Library checks 1 book out at a time. When choosing books from home or the public library, please check online at arbookfind.com. This website will tell you if the book is an AR book and the reading level for the book. I can also check books. All books are not AR books.
Students in grades 2nd-6th will receive a test grade for AR each nine weeks. This grade will be the average of all test scores taken each nine weeks.
Students in grades 2nd -6th must:
Read a minimum of 4 picture books or 2 chapter books and take an AR test for each book. This must be reached by the end of each 9 weeks.
Failure to reach this minimum will result in a grade of “0” for each book not read for the 9 weeks.
Ex. Book # 1 test grade – 90
Book # 2 (not read) – 0
9 weeks average for AR
1st Grade
The first-grade students will be checking books out from the library and taking AR tests on those books. Students are required to take at least one AR test each week, but they are encouraged to try to take a test each day. At the end of each week, their teacher will record their highest AR grade as a daily grade for reading in the grade book.
The students will bring their AR book home each night. Please have your child read the book to you or read it together. You can even ask them some comprehension questions after they have read the book. This will help them to prepare to take the AR test. Once the students have taken a test on a book, they will be able to check out a new book. Most first grade level books are only worth half a point (.5) each, so students need to take AR tests every day if possible. If they aren’t taking tests and doing well on the tests, they will not be able to meet the deadlines.
1st Grade- Overall 80% correct
Level One Ready Reader 4 points
Level Two Super Reader 8 points
Level Three Advanced Reader 12 points
Level Four Star Reader 16 points
Level Five Rebel Reader 20 points
2nd Grade- Overall 85% correct
Level One Ready Reader 8 points
Level Two Super Reader 16 points
Level Three Advanced Reader 24 points
Level Four Star Reader 32 points
Level Five Rebel Reader 40 points
3rd Grade- Overall 85% correct
Level One Ready Reader 20 points
Level Two Super Reader 30 points
Level Three Advanced Reader 40 points
Level Four Star Reader 50 points
Level Five Rebel Reader 60 points
4th Grade- Overall 85% correct
Level One Ready Reader 25 points
Level Two Super Reader 35 points
Level Three Advanced Reader 45 points
Level Four Star Reader 55 points
Level Five Rebel Reader 65 points
5th Grade- Overall 85% correct
Level One Ready Reader 30 points
Level Two Super Reader 40 points
Level Three Advanced Reader 50 points
Level Four Star Reader 60 points
Level Five Rebel Reader 70 points
6th Grade- Overall 85% correct
Level One Ready Reader 35 points
Level Two Super Reader 45 points
Level Three Advanced Reader 55 points
Level Four Star Reader 65 points
Level Five Rebel Reader 75 points